much more common trehlikaya icon "Holy Trinity" (New Testament). This is understandable. Her story - the Holy Trinity in the form of hosts - God the Father, Jesus Christ - God the Son and Holy Spirit - fits naturally into the design trehlikoy icons. It shows the icon of the Lipetsk regional museum. She came to the museum of Trinity Church, one of the largest churches in Lipetsk, the main altar which was consecrated in 1848. 80 years later, in 1930, the temple was closed, and the next year completely destroyed.
Trehlikaya icon "Holy Trinity" (New Testament). The second half of 19 century.
Three photos of one of the icon with the three different points of view. When viewed from the side (left or right), vertical bars installed before the icon, close the image of a dove, and become visible faces of the hosts of God the Father and God the Son, Jesus Christ, written on the sides of the slats.
Frame size 52,5 × 47 cm in the frame are 16 vertical plates of width 2.4 cm distance between the plates 2,4 cm canvas, wood, oil. Lipetsk Regional Museum
Самую большую по размеру трёхликую икону можно увидеть в музее города Городца. Икона такого размера бывает только храмовой. Чтобы молиться перед каждым of its three images need a large space in the home chapel, it just does not fit. Similar trehlikie icons, apparently created in the monasteries, work on them is not only a painter but carpenters and construction details for manufacturing, and carvers to create salary.
frame size 73 × 66,4 × 5,5 cm frame are 16 vertical plates of width 2.4 cm distance between the plates of 3.7 cm Canvas, wood, oil. Gorodetsky, history and art museum complex Nizhny Novgorod region.
In Russian icons you see trehlikuyu icon with Ukraine, which is different distinctive writing style, especially in the depiction of God the Son.
Late 19 - early 20 th century. Oil, wood, frame size 59,6 × 46,2 cm, 15 plates ..
National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Reserve. Kiev, Ukraine.
text reproduced on the working papers Kalinin Anatoly T.
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