most unusual icon "St. Trinity" - smesoipostasnye. The word "hypostasis" means the essence of being or form, the method of its manifestation. The name "smesoipostasnaya" was given because the faces of God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit on the icon does not differ from each other. All persons
consolidated into a single image: the eyes of the central face belong simultaneously to two more located on the right and left. Unknown iconographer thus striving to express the unity and indivisibility of the Holy Trinity.
Smesoipostasnaya icon "Holy Trinity" - a great rarity, although it was not always. Those that survived until our days, dating ages 17-18. In the 18 century, the Holy Synod (the state governing body of the church) has banned such images, that indirect evidence about their distribution at the time. As a result, extant icons, kept far from the capitals.
left to right: 1. Smesoipostasnoe image from an old calendar (photo mural). 2. Trinity - a triple person. Unknown German artist beginning of 17 century. Oil on canvas, 35,5 × 26 cm Tyrol Museum folk art. Innsbruck, Germany. 3. Icon "The Trinity" (smesoipostasnaya). 1729 Unknown master of Tobolsk (West Siberia). Until 1926 was in the New Tikhvinskoe nunnery near Tobolsk, now - in the Sverdlovsk regional museum. Board 31 × 24 × 2 cm, tempera, oil, salary lost. From the collection of the Siberian icon. Omsk, 1999.
text reproduced on the working papers Kalinin Anatoly T.
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