Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ontario Utility Trailer Licence

Crest icon.

Crest icon: wood, gesso, tempera. Russia (presumably Kostroma), 19 th century. Size 44 to 26 cm
Foot: silver, enamel on filigree. By Dmitry Koval.

Dear readers who want to know your opinion about the dating and place of writing a cross. School of icon painting. Leave your comments, they are important to me.

most important symbol of Christ. Cross of the Lord symbolizes, above all, godparents meal taken by the Lord Jesus for the salvation of mankind, the sacrifices made by them for the sins of the world, and hope for the future resurrection and eternal life. Do not accidentally cross is often called Honest Tree Cross, Christ the true Vine. The term is associated with the Life-Creating Cross of the narrative of the resurrection of the dead man, lying on the cross, where Christ was crucified. Another aspect of the name of this symbol - prepared for the throne. On the cross as a Christian on the throne church, the Eucharist is accomplished, the main mystery of the church. At the same time, the throne - the heavenly place of settlement of the Lord Almighty, and the tomb of Christ. The word "prepared for" indicates that His sacrifice Christ showed evidence of the coming end times.


Crucifixion Christ
EB. Jn. 19, 17 - 34
"bearing his cross ..." Pontius Pilate condemned Christ to death by crucifixion. John the Evangelist says: "Then, finally, he gave Him (Jesus) to be crucified. "Pontius Pilate condemned Christ, and could in another kind of punishment practiced by the Romans: to be executed by the sword, but if not would have been a prophecy Bible about Jesus' death on the "tree" that is, about His crucifixion.
History of Christianity says that up. Paul was beheaded by the sword, and an. Peter at the same time, by crucifixion. Crosses in which the Romans crucified people sentenced to death, were of two kinds: artificial and natural. Artificial - it crosses, made by hands of carpenters; natural - a tree trunk with two branches that have taken the form of a cross. We can assume that Jesus was crucified on an artificial cross, ie cross, especially for this nailed together.
"bearing his cross ..." How easy to pronounce these short words, but a sea of suffering is hidden in them. That only he had not survived, our Savior, before on his shoulders was laid this shameful cross. We must always remember Christ's suffering in Gethsemane. We need to know what kind of Gethsemane followed by a sleepless night full of insults in the council. Christ passed two ships and two death sentences - court Sanhedrin and Pilate's court, and both vessels were injustices in the history of the courts. Both sentences were death sentences, but full of lies and slander against our Lord Jesus Christ. Sanhedrin condemned Him for his blasphemy to think: Christ - for blasphemy! Pontius Pilate condemned him for his rivalry with the Roman Caesar, just think: "Christ - rival Caesar! Prelude to the crucifixion of Christ were also suffering in the palace, Pontius Pilate. We read in the Gospel of John 19, 1 - 3: "Then Pilate took Jesus and scourged him. And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head and clothed him with purple, and said: Hail, King of the Jews! And they struck him with their hands. "Wounds inflicted by our Lord Jesus Christ scourging and crown of thorns, were a source of very painful suffering.
And so, we at Calvary: the central place of the whole Bible in central location of all Christian history. First of all, we see at Calvary cup of wine and myrrh (Heb. Mark. 15, 23). This drink was intended to be crucified to blunt their sensitivity to the forthcoming suffering. On Christ Evangelist Mark says: "And they gave him wine mixed with myrrh, but he did not take." Christ refused the drink because he wanted to move all the suffering for our sins in full and clear consciousness.
after the sentence was followed by the bowl with a drink nailed to the cross. The nails went through the hands and feet of our Savior, causing untold suffering to more than scourging and crown of thorns in Pretoria Pilate. And when a cross was raised with the body of Jesus, his wounds on hands and feet were torn apart by the weight of his body, and physical suffering of Christ reached the highest measures.
We now turn our attention to the inscription which Pilate put over the head of Christ. The inscription reads: "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." This - the prophetic inscription: Israel, who crucified their Messiah, and bow before Christ and recognizes him "King of the Jews." Christ Church has worshiped him, as before his master. And the time will come when the name of Jesus every knee shall bow. (Philippians 2. 10).
At the foot of the cross of Calvary, we see three attitudes: indifference, hatred and love. Indifference to Christ we see in the hearts of men, carelessly cast lots for His garments. Hostility we see in the hearts of priests, the Pharisees and scribes. Love for Christ beating hearts of his friends standing at the cross: his mother, his disciple and apostle John, his students - Mary wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene.
In the dark night of Golgotha, we see a light, bright beam. This - repentance robber. In the bitter cup of which Christ prayed in Gethsemane, was very sweet drop.
From the mouth of the crucified Christ on Calvary heard seven famous words, written a whole library of books and many beautiful pieces of music. From these words we select one short word - the word "It is finished". Eye is the smallest member in our body, but it can concentrate huge area, up to the horizon, though with all the details. So in short words the crucified Saviour, "It is" concentrate all the other His words on the cross, even more - all the words of Scripture.
us hear another sound at Calvary. This - the last gasp of Christ means that He died, died for us, has died for our sins. Do not fall asleep, did not fall into a swoon, but he died, as evidenced by blood and water, the last of the warrior with a spear pierced his heart. And this blood and water, past from the heart of Christ on Calvary's cross, tell us about the fulfillment of the prophecy of Zechariah, which states: "The day will open the house of David and the inhabitants Jerusalem for the washing away of sin and for uncleanness "(13, 1).
And finally, another incident at Calvary - the awakening of the centurion after the death of Christ. Luke says: "The centurion, seeing what was done, he glorified God and said: Verily, this man was righteous" (Heb. Luke 23, 47).

"Christ died for our sins"
1 Cor. 15, 1 - 3
At the heart of every sermon should be crucified Christ ... Around the cross of Calvary should develop thoughts of a sermon. For such preaching sought Paul. In 1 Cor. 1, 22 - 23, he writes: "Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified." And in this same message in the second chapter, in the second verse, we read: "I am determined not to you who do not know anything except Jesus Christ and him crucified."
But not only in preaching - in all our Christian cross Calvary must occupy the first place. Only in Christianity we see the cross of Calvary, declaring the humanity of God's love for all sinners. The Death of Jesus Christ for the sins of the world - it's the lightest of truth among all the truths of Christianity. As the star Sirius is the brightest of all stars of the universe, so Golgotha Christ's sacrifice for the sins of the world is the most shining moment in the history of Christianity.
in the life of our Saviour on earth had many wonderful experiences: Its amazing birth in Bethlehem, His wonderful, crystal clear life in Nazareth, His baptism in the Jordan River, his temptation in the wilderness with a victory over the devil; His many glorious wonders of His transfiguration, His full glory of the resurrection, His ascension from the Mount of Olives ... But the most glorious event in the life of our Lord - it is His death on Calvary for the sins of the world. If we want to know a person, we need to know his life. If we want to know Christ, we should visit Calvary, and to know the nature and significance of His death. He - a great teacher and he will - example and model for all people on earth, who - more beautiful than all the sons of men ... But what attracted us to him - so this is his cross, that His sacrifice on Golgotha, it is His precious wounds and blood that flowed from them. We know from science that the earth is a tremendous magnet, magnetic force which acts on the very long distances. But the globe is a point, called Golgotha, the cross, which was crucified Savior of the world - Christ. Crucified Jesus - it is indeed a magnet that attracts the sons and daughters of the land. That this divine magnet drew us believers, to Golgotha, where the blood of Christ, we bathed from our sins.
What speaks up. Paul in 1 Cor. 15, 1 - 3? He said that the central truth of the gospel, which he preached, is the truth: "Christ died for our sins." This means that the center of the gospel is the cross of Calvary. Pref. Paul says: "For I taught you that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins. "Since the adoption of this precious truth of the Gospel - the truth that Christ died for our sins - begins A new life of every believer. But this is the greatest joy that Christ died for our sins, will be filled with our life and in eternity. The same interpretation "New Song," sung in the eternity of the redeemed soul, and whose words are recorded in Revelation 5, 9 - 10: "And they sang a new song, saying: Thou art worthy to take the book and open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and his own blood, redeemed us to God from every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and made us kings and priests to our God ... " That this "new song" redeemed in eternity says very clearly that the cross of Calvary will illumine its bright glow for all eternity, and all corners of the "new Jerusalem "and fill the infinite happiness of the hearts of all heavenly beings.
sin - it is a wall between God and man, you can not remove any human effort. The Bible tells us about a very impenetrable and insurmountable wall, but that fell like a house of cards. By the power of the human? None. The power of God! I say on the wall of Jericho. But sin is more impenetrable wall between God and the sinner. Here on this side of sin we often forget.
How long was this barrier between the holy God and men? On this very clearly stated in the Gospel of Matthew. 27, 50 - 51: "Jesus gave up the ghost .... Now the veil of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. "Christ's death overthrew the wall of sin that separated us from God. It is Christ's death on Calvary, revealed to us the way" in the sanctuary, the throne of St. God, the heart of our Heavenly Father.
long time, centuries of hanging curtain of the temple, bars the way into the sanctuary and the holy of holies. How long was a wall, erected by our sin and separates us sinners with a holy God.
And we are happy that we even know the time - not just age or a year - and even when the veil is gone in the temple, and with it collapsed and the wall of sin, who stood between God and us. This is a great moment - the moment of Christ's death on Calvary's cross, since it was last sigh.
He "gave up the ghost, and the veil of the temple was torn in half from top to bottom." On a free path to God through Christ's death and says in Hebrews 10, 19 - 20: "Therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus Christ, through the new and living way which he hath to us through the veil, that is His flesh ... "
At Calvary is open to all sinners," a new way "in the heavenly sanctuary and the holy God, namely: through the blood of Jesus Christ and through the" flesh "His ulceration for our sins and for our iniquities (Isaiah 53, 5).
Now we understand why "the Christ should suffer, why were needed wounds of Christ, His blood, and especially his death. Everything that is done with Christ on Calvary, it was necessary to tear the veil that was overthrown as a thick and high wall of our sins and iniquities and free access to every sinner to Holy God. Herein lies not only the jewel of Calvary, but also the need to Calvary. And "good" suffer and die in the name of Christ, that is God Himself, taking upon Himself our flesh, able to suffer and die.

destroy our guilt before God could only God himself judge, and only through death, his own death sentence because of this divine judges stated: "The wages of sin - death" (Romans 6, 23). And he died and thus destroyed our fault.

Sincerely, Martin Kowal.


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