Lazarevskoye READING
Conference will be held 3 and 4 February 2011 at: Moscow Lomonosov Prospekt 27, Building 4, the first educational building in the new territory of Moscow State University, First Floor, Zone "D", thread audience D-1
early morning meetings at 10 o'clock,
day - 15 hours
VE SUSLENKOV (Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities)
Egyptian theme and the theme of St. Of land on floor mosaics in churches and synagogues in the Middle East IV - VIII centuries.
ZA Hakobyan (Yerevan State University, Department of Theory and History of Armenian Art)
artistic and iconographic sources of miniatures of the Gospel Queen Mlke (862)
VD Sarabyanov (Interregional Scientific and restoration management; State Institute of Art)
"Transformation" as a prototype of the Passions Lord "in the art of the Byzantine world.
OS POPOVA (Lomonosov Moscow State University, History Department, State Institute of Art)
Features Byzantine art 70-80s. XI century. (The Gospel in the Athens National Library, cod.57).
SS Manukyan (Yerevan State University, Department of Theory and the history of Armenian art)
image of the temple in Jerusalem in the fields of Armenian manuscripts of the Gospels.
OV Ovcharova (Lomonosov Moscow State University, History Faculty)
Three types of image, and two individual artistic manner in the frescoes nonresonant.
AV ZAKHAROVA Lomonosov Moscow State University, History Department; State Institute of Art)
Frescoes St. Nicholas in the village of Manastir and the basic directions in painting Macedonia XIII century.
DA PETROV (Architectural Studios Classic »)
Pietro Antonio Solari - builder of towers of Moscow Kremlin.
AL BATALOV (Museum-preserve "Moscow The Kremlin ", Institute of Fine Arts)
again on the activities of Petroc Minor in Moscow.
LI Lifshitz (Institute of Fine Arts)
Three images of King David in the thread 1190 ies Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir.
AM Manukyan (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of History)
Golden doors of the cathedral of Our Lady of the Nativity in Suzdal. Some issues of technology and design.
AS TRANSFIGURATION (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of History and Institute of Arts)
On the origin of and the meaning of iconographic type of St.. Nikola "Zaraisk.
MY SAVELYEVA (Department of Culture of Moscow)
«Choice lover the Chevalier. " Trying to interpret images of carpet with Perseus end of the XV century, the French private collection.
MG Kramarovskii (Hermitage)
«Two Tana. Polovtsians the fresco A. Lorenzetti in the church of San Francesco in Siena (20-ies. XIV century).
AN Donin (Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University Name NADobrolyubov)
issue of the comic in German art of the XV century.
MN FALCONS (Institute of Theory and History of Fine Art of Arts)
At the turn of the sacral and the romantic - to iconology "holy mountain" of Piedmont.
VD DAZHINA (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of History)
«Bronzino wins ...!»
EP Igoshin (LFL them. Rudomino; State Institute of Art)
«A Day in the suburban life of Venetian nobles. Frescoes by Giovanni Antonio Fazolo villa Kaldono in Kaldono.
EJ ZOLOTOVA (State Institute of Art)
Iconography "Martyrdom of the Maccabees brothers" in the German art 16 th century.
SV Khodnev (Publishing House "Kommersant") "Theatre of the Eucharist": the scenery for Quarantore and a Baroque church interior.
NO Vedeneeva (ГМИИ им. А.С.Пушкина)
“Мышеловка” Клода Меллана (1598-1688): прославление Земной Любви или аллегория Vanitas?
М.В. СОКОЛОВА (МГУ имени М.В.Ломоносова, Исторический факультет)
English landscape park: the image of the vision and design method.
ETC KARJAKIN (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of History)
Portrait in Western European china XVIII century.
LUCIA Tonino (University "L'Orientale", Naples, Department of Art History of Eastern Europe)
Russian collectors in Florence: the library, DP Buturlina.
LY Savinsky (Pushkin Museum. Pushkin)
Yusupov and Van Gogh. (From the history of art collection of Nikolai Borisovich Yusupov Younger (1827-1891).
S. VANEYAN (Lomonosov Moscow State University, The Faculty of History)
«Unread" Rudolf Arnheim.
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